Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Ecology Flower

If I'd been told about the conatmination that pet does to the enviroment I would never have use one.
Now at day  pet and plastic are everywhere, most of the food or drinks come in  platic wrapping, and most of the producst that we use every day are made with plastic, this is really bad to the world, most of that wrapping goes to the trash and it becomes contamination.

If I  had know it would be really easy to recycle I would have start before, now we want to present a option to help the enviroment and its a good option for a present or a special day.

Our product is name Ecology Flower, it's made with a pet bottle and it's an excelent option to give as a present and  contribute to help the world.

The ecology flower is made with the moud of a pet bottle,  we cut it and make it look as a flower,  then we paint it and we put it a little ball of unicel to be the center of the flower, we put a wood stick to be the stem and the flower is ready.

We choose this idea because we can get the material for free, and its a way to create consience in the people about recycling.

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